Ask locals of Krakow

Long story short, you are invited to participate. Post anything, but remember to adhere to the house rules (in the sidebar). Have fun and connect! :)

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Job offered posted by Jabber

Hi folks, I'm pleased to be able to offer a writing / editing position on the staff immediately. Work will primarily include… [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 13 years ago

Need help! posted by spectacular84

Hello, Im having interviews with a company in Krakow and its seems im going to get it. I think theyre going to offer something like 6500 PLN is it a good wage… [Read more]

Reply & read 4 replies 13 years ago

Book Your New Year's Party posted by filety

Great Christmas and New Year offer ! Enjoy a Polish Winter Break in a beautiful village near Krakow, modern conversion of a traditional house. Great home… [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

Leonardo's "Lady with an ermine" posted by Mirtilli

Hi, I'll come in in Cracow from 9 to 11 of december... where can I find the Leonardo's Lady? [Read more]

Reply & read 2 replies 13 years ago

dutch posted by markinpoland

Hi, I would really like to chat to anyone that can speak Dutch. [Read more]

Reply & read 2 replies 13 years ago

Seeking New Zealanders posted by userwbr

Hello! I would like to meet and talk with New Zealanders in Krakow abot New Zealand and Economy,Culture of NZ Is anyone interested My mail… [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

help with english posted by tantita89a

I am fully aware of the fact that my offer may sound ridiculous yet still I dare to ask: would any merciful english native speaker agree to help me with my… [Read more]

Reply & read 7 replies 13 years ago

a chinese posted by jing zhang

NATIVE SPEAKER - RODOWITY CHIŃCZYK! Udzielam korepetycji, pomagam w przygotowaniu do rozmów z chińskimi kontrahentami. Poziomy nauczania - od… [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

NeW YeAr posted by nikola

Hi,I am Nikola,studen from Belgrade and I will be i Krakow for a new year,so can someone suggest me where can i go that night,some pubs or night club...thanks [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 13 years ago

REWARD:Do U Know my MACIEJ? posted by ALHAMBRA

$200 REWARD for whoever gets me in phone contact with the Maciej who I met in SPAIN in September at the Alhambra. His U.S. nickname is "Magic." I could be… [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

English speaking hairdresser? posted by

Hi! Does anyone know a hairdresser's shop in Krakow where the employees speak enough English for basic instructions? Don't need anything fancy, just a basic… [Read more]

Reply & read 2 replies 13 years ago

TESOL Tutor in Krakow posted by TESOL_Tutor

I have recently arrived in Krakow and am a very experienced English language teacher (Trinity College Cert. TESOL). I am available to teach individuals and/or… [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

Język Angielski przez profesjonalny redaktor, pisarz i korektor. posted by anthonyc

Język Angielski przez profesjonalny redaktor, pisarz i korektor. Native speaker. Korekta/edycji ot 50zl na pierwsze 1000 slown. Dokumenty, listy, eseje, [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

Flatmate needed posted by krydul

Hi, We have a lovely room to rent situated in the old town of Krakow, within walking distance to the central square. We are a couple and the room would suit… [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

French guys looking for locals to visit cracow posted by shinta

Hi, I'm gonna visit cracow with two friends of mine. The three of us are french. I though it would be cool to visit and go out with polish people. If… [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 13 years ago

Thinking about having a stag do in march. will Krakow be busy. posted by garysteven

Not really sure if Krakow will have much of a nightlife in March. Can anybody advise me of what to expect at this time of year. [Read more]

Reply & read 3 replies 13 years ago

Krakow to Ukraine posted by hmmm72

What is the best and cheapest way to get to the Ukraine and back from Krakow? Thanks for your help!!!!!! [Read more]

Reply & read 2 replies 13 years ago

Want English Lessons posted by philly2007

I am a native English speaker moving to Krakow, trying to find out the demand for English lessons...anyone interested? [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

PREPAID SIMCARD posted by stras67sxb

hello, I comming to poland for 10 days, and will need to buy a prepaid sim card for my mobile phone, I would like to know what the cheapest option I have… [Read more]

Reply & read 3 replies 13 years ago

$200 REWARD/Spain in Sept? posted by Alhambra

Reward for whoever gets me in phone contact with guy I met in gardens of ALHAMBRA in Sept. His nickname is "Magic", his name starts with an M, something like… [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

Seeking to meet native Krakovian Polish / foreigner residents posted by psalterion

Hi ladies & gents, I'm in Poland for few months, i'd like to meet polish ladies&gents native from Krakov or alt. foreigner residents. I'm a french travelogue… [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

great room to rent city centre posted by laura77

Hi, there is a spare room in an ex-guesthouse to rent for a few months in the citycentre (30 seconds to main square). double room, bills all included! 1600zl [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

learning english posted by whodatted

Hi I am an American Artist living in Kazimierz...if you need someone to help you I would be happy to do so. Ted [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

Looking for room to rent (03/11/2010-25/11/2010) posted by Ingeborg

Good day, We are looking for a room to rent, preferably with roommates in order to experience the Polish way of life. I am Dutch and will stay from the 3th… [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

Advice needed after break in posted by benji2387

I have been living in Kraków for the last 2 months and I have to say I am having a fantastic time. Unfortunately I returned home last night to find that my… [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 13 years ago

Local elections in Krakow: How to register as an EU citizen? posted by NicoKrak

Hello all, Does anyone have information on how to register to local elections in Krakow coming next month. As EU citizens, we have the right to vote in… [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

Running club in Krakow? posted by Penlou004

Hi, I am over in Krakow for the year form the UK. I am looking for a running club to join. Does anyone know of one? I am only just learning Polish but I'm… [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

Gym that you can do Olympic Weightlifting? posted by feeman_4_life

Hey guys! Just moved here from Canada a few days ago, and living here for the next few months. Anybody know of a gym that is olympic weightlifting friendly? … [Read more]

Reply & read 5 replies 13 years ago

HELP! A Photographer needs help posted by avedon

Does anyone know if ther is an used cameras store where I can purchase some camera equipment that got stolen from me in Slovakia. I will be in Krakow on tesday… [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

New year in Cracow posted by robertg

Looking for suggestions for a venue for eating/dancing for a party of 6 50-60 year-olds near to the square for New year's Eve. Or are we too late to book… [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 13 years ago

Citizenship posted by oscar53

At last after two years of hard work and red tape. I finally recieved my Polish Citizenship today. Just to say thanks to everyone who helped me along the way… [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 13 years ago

weekend in krakow on 22 octoberr posted by italyboy

Hi! Someone can tell me where I can dance salsa and bachata in Krakow? I'm coming on 22 october just for a weekend!! [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago


If you were in SPAIN in September, if we met with friends at the ALHAMBRA, if you have blue eyes, if your American nickname is "Magic", if it is something like… [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

cracow to zilina posted by bunnyboy

hi all can anyone help. i will be in cracow next tuesday 12th october ireland are playing slovakia this day in zilina. is their trains available is it far.… [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 13 years ago

Free Beer! posted by educlos

Hi all. I am looking for some Polish-English bilinguals to help me with my master's research project. It would involve chatting with me about your life story… [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 13 years ago

Teaching/other work posted by anthonycasey

Native English speaking editor, writer and journalist living in Krakow offers English lessons and proofreading/editorial services. Any other work considered. E [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

Polish classes - 5 years experience posted by pamula.ania

Hello everyone, My name is Ania and I give polish classes (and I like it!), I have four years and a half experience, I finished Polish and Literature Studies… [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

price of cigarettes in poland posted by stras67sxb

please let me know how much cost to one pack of 20 marlboro or camel in poland, in normal takaria shop. [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 13 years ago

Don't visit, Unfriendlyiest place in all my travels posted by sugarmictash

never in all my travels, have I felt so unwelcoming in a city/country! Apart from the minority, Poland is stuck in time, and it's full of arrogant, ignorant… [Read more]

Reply & read 38 replies 13 years ago

Looking 4 Maciej or "Magic" posted by ALHAMBRA

We met in gardens of the Alhambra. Still have you on my mind. If anyone knows a Maciej (may be misspelled), who was in Spain recently with friends, please… [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

moving to krakow posted by charchar

Hi there, I'm looking to move to krakow within the next year. Can anyone let me know of any job opportunities for English speakers? I've finished studying… [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 13 years ago

events posted by bunnyboy

hi all i'm heading to krakow on october 11th to 14th does anyone know any events, concerts, i've been to the camps / salt mines cant wait to chill out on the… [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 13 years ago

Transport over Christmas period posted by shell22

Hi, I would like to travel to Krakow airport on 26th December and then travel on to Zakopane on the same day, does anyone know if public transport will be… [Read more]

Reply & read 4 replies 13 years ago

Bicycles! posted by martinh

So I need to buy a new bicycle. I've been to Decathlon, Intersport and Tesco but I haven't really found what I'm looking for. What's the best bicycle shops… [Read more]

Reply & read 2 replies 13 years ago

Rollerblade shop? posted by kmander

Seems like all the cool kids around town are on rollerblades and I figure I'd make a fun choice for my daily commute. Any recommendations on where I could pick… [Read more]

Reply & read 3 replies 13 years ago

Ultimate Frisbee! posted by woodrow

Hello, I'm a Wisconsinite teaching English here looking to get some people together on a weekday/weekend to play some ultimate frisbee. Even if you've never… [Read more]

Reply & read 10 replies 13 years ago

Pictures Taken at the Clubs posted by PetrPann

We have been in Krakow last weekend, I lost the e-mail address where we can have a look at the pics, anybody ?? Then we met this beautiful Girl from Poland… [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

ATM's... banking posted by peppeste

I'm hoping to find automatic teller machines in Kaziemierz near where I will be staying. Any advie? [Read more]

Reply & read 2 replies 13 years ago

lost camera on szwagropol bus from Zakopane to Krakow posted by atldjm

I left my Canon digital camera on the bus from Zakopane to Krakow on 11-9-2010 from 8:00 to 11:00. The pictures on it are very important to my wife and I. … [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

I am looking URGENTLY for an accomodation in Krakow posted by Francinou

Hello To everyone:I am Francois,a French man starting a new Job in Krakow on the 4TH October.I am looking URGENTLY for an accomodation,either a room by… [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

Polish Wedding posted by SiLDN01

Coming to Poland shortly to attend a Polish Wedding. Any advice on gifts and what are the do's and don'ts? [Read more]

Reply & read 3 replies 13 years ago

4day krakow trip posted by vincentdd

hey everyone. 2 of my friends and myself are coming to krakow from the 26th till the 30th of september. What we are looking for is some real good parties those… [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

Work in Cracow posted by Niko2010

I am moving to Cracow in January and am looking to work as an English or German Teacher. I am also available for tutoring or translation jobs. Just write me:… [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

keyboard posted by seafield

We are going to Krakow early Oct to sing. We need a keyboard for rehearsals. Know where we can hire one? [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

Are you looking for a job opportunity in Krakow? posted by

We are looking for a native English speaker to work in our outsourcing bussiness as a team leader of a team. More details on: [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 13 years ago

who was the candle seller at the christmas market last year posted by kierang

Hi, I purchased some christmas candles last year from the candle stall at the market and would like to get some more, but dont have any contact details. Does… [Read more]

Reply & read 2 replies 13 years ago

Cracow for the older partiers posted by young40M

Does Cracow offer nightlife for the 30+ crowd? Perhaps a place that place 70's Disco and 80's music? [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 13 years ago

irish arms posted by djsilence

The rumours are true, our beloved arms in closing. Any suggestions for a replacement? [Read more]

Reply & read 3 replies 13 years ago

tobacco shops posted by kron66

hi we are visting in 2 weeks and i would like to know wheere i can buy tobacco and cigarettes english types if it is possible,and a rough idea on the prices. [Read more]

Reply & read 2 replies 13 years ago

lgbt hotel in krakow? posted by mukaketupat

hi guys i'll be in krakow mid sept for a few nights. and i would like to stay in a lgbt friendly area/hotel in krakow if possible. Is there any… [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 13 years ago

3 questions re gym, shipping, and work posted by robert

Hi All, I have a few quick questions, and any feedback is appreciated: 1. Can anyone recommend a good, centrally-located and relatively inexpensive gym?… [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

Wedding presents in Poland? posted by jurek82

Hi! I'm invited to the wedding of a friend's brother. I'm very looking forward to experience one of the legendary Polish weddings :) However, I'm not sure… [Read more]

Reply & read 3 replies 13 years ago

visiting in september-how best to get from airport to town posted by puddy2010

really looking forward to my visit. Is it easy to travel from airport to the town? [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 13 years ago

Blackberry 9000 Bold posted by storhode

Hi! I have been to a lot of stores in Cracow (including Saturn in Galeria Krakowska) in the search of a Blackberry 9000 Bold mobile phone. Do anyone know… [Read more]

Reply & read 2 replies 13 years ago

3 day stay posted by bunnyboy

hi all i'm going to crakow from october 11th to 14th 3 nights. most hotels are looking for 300 euros plus for rooms, all i need is a room with 2 single beds… [Read more]

Reply & read 4 replies 13 years ago

Rooms posted by cmansuis

My name's Christophe, from france, i have 2 big rooms to rent on ul. Kochanowskiego from now in a flat with a kitchen, a living rooom and balcony. Possible… [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 13 years ago

american girl here from august 16 - 25 - looking for friends posted by amandah

I'm looking for someone interested in seeing sites, pubs/clubs, shopping, cafes and fun times. you can be from anywhere or guy or girl, doesnt matter. btw, I'm… [Read more]

Reply & read 8 replies 13 years ago

Home help/Nanny posted by buster60

Hello we are looking for a Home help Nanny in the area of Dunfermline Scotland ie Student or someone who is cosidering studying in the UK preferably Polish… [Read more]

Reply 13 years ago

English Premier League posted by ajknight

Hi, was wondering where the best place(s) would be to watch the opening weekend of the Premier League next week? Not just full of English but possibly locals… [Read more]

Reply & read 2 replies 13 years ago

Looking for an apartment posted by oscar53

Hi. I am looking to purhase an apartment hopefully in the old town area, Can anyone recommend some estate agents preferably with a web address where I can look… [Read more]

Reply & read 4 replies 13 years ago

Coke Festival posted by bb_forrest

I was at Opener in Gdynia, there were free buses to the festival from the railway station. Is there similar for Coke Festival as there is nothing on the… [Read more]

Reply & read 2 replies 13 years ago

Protein Powder posted by storhode

Are there shops in Krakow that sells sports nutrition (protein powder)? [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 13 years ago

Construction workers required posted by Alpha2010

I am currently looking to recruit a number of experienced construction workers for 6 months work in France. The project is the full refurbishment of a 10… [Read more]

Reply 14 years ago

BIKE for sale: Specialized Crossroads Deluxe posted by kdomanski

BIKE for sale: Specialized Crossroads Deluxe. Practically brand new...bought new in U.S., brought to Poland and used only 3 times! Please contact Kristin:… [Read more]

Reply & read 3 replies 14 years ago

Krakow DJ for wedding posted by rheanna

Hello! my fiance and I are getting married in Krakow in July 2011! we are looking for a DJ who can speak english and who has experience in wedding… [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 14 years ago

krakow for the day (22-July) posted by dnevill

I will be taking a train from Warsaw to Krakow for the day... looking for fun new friend cute friend to come along. Prefer 20-35 please. I am American, 32… [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 14 years ago

Gay bars in Zakopane posted by dawlor

Hi I'm visiting Zakopane for a few days from Krakow. Does anyone know if there are any gay or gay-friendly bars in the town? Thanks [Read more]

Reply & read 2 replies 14 years ago

betting shops/having a bet? posted by thetube82

visiting with a load of lads in early Sept, like a bet on the football etc., is there anywhere that takes bets i.e. bookies or sportsbars?, also does any of… [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 14 years ago

Where to buy fruit/vegetables? posted by storhode

Does any one know any shops or markets where there they have good range of fresh fruit and vegetables. Preferably as close as possible to ul. Zwierzyniecka. [Read more]

Reply & read 3 replies 14 years ago

flat to rent posted by alexandra1

one-room apartment (30m2) with large terrace, fully equipped (fridge , washing machine, electric hob, TV, DVD, Internet) and furnished, located on the third… [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 14 years ago

exchange rate posted by buddies87

Can anyone tell me the exchange rate being offered for the GBP cheers… [Read more]

Reply & read 5 replies 14 years ago

tesco posted by lainey

hi can anyone tell me were tesco is from express by holiday inn thats where we are staying … [Read more]

Reply & read 3 replies 14 years ago

Coming to krakow and need a little help. posted by funkyharry

hi people, i'm actually new to this site, im coming to krakow just for a little break, i was just wondering what is there too see and what nice places i could… [Read more]

Reply & read 3 replies 14 years ago

Apartments in the Old Town posted by cracowbest

Whether you are already in Krakow or just planning to come and you need to find an apartment for shorter or longer term visit [Read more]

Reply 14 years ago

Best city ever!!! posted by sean1986

Beutiful relaxing city no loud clubs just restaurant bars wich where perfect to watch the world go by after visiting wawel castle or one of many beutiful… [Read more]

Reply & read 3 replies 14 years ago

NFL football posted by groovesoop

Anybody know a cable/sat provider in Krakow with NFL games? I've checked a few (Aster and Canal+) online and can't seem to find anything about it. Would love… [Read more]

Reply & read 3 replies 14 years ago

How and Where posted by frank_London

To Krakow Post staff. * Is there a way of seeing the Services section of The Krakow Post, on-line ? * How does one make an insertion in this area ? [Read more]

Reply & read 9 replies 14 years ago

Sundays In Cracow posted by jimbojones

Hello, I'm just wondering what is open on a Sunday in Cracow bars, restaurants, shops, tourist sites (such as Auschwitz) etc? Are there any restrictions on… [Read more]

Reply & read 1 replies 14 years ago

queus posted by groovesoop

Interesting read at Wikipedia on queues. Krakow is a queue-ers dream (er nightmare). Any good stories while we all wait for ice cream? [Read more]

Reply & read 3 replies 14 years ago

u,ll be lucky posted by paulinuk

its well behind… [Read more]

Reply 14 years ago

Apartment for rent posted by PalanV

I know of an apartment available for long term rent just off the main square in Krakow. If anyone one would be interested or would like to contact the owner… [Read more]

Reply 14 years ago

Mobile Phones posted by jimbojones

Hello everyone, Myself and a friend are visiting Cracow in a weeks time and are arriving from different countries. Does anyone know if a UK O2 mobile… [Read more]

Reply & read 12 replies 14 years ago

A Warning - Please Read All Tourists posted by StrayCat

This is a warning about Bar Sakson, No. 8 Tomasza Street. I was dragged into this bar and tricked into paying them hundreds of pounds on my card for a round… [Read more]

Reply & read 3 replies 14 years ago

bus posted by paulinuk

bus is… [Read more]

Reply 14 years ago

pizza posted by lainey

can anyone tell me were pizza pasta mamamia is in krakow its not in main square a have looked all last… [Read more]

Reply & read 3 replies 14 years ago

is it safe to rent a car ?? posted by the one

i would like to ask if is it save to rent a car there ...... coz i was living some time in russin and ukrain ..and there is was unsafe to rent a car or to… [Read more]

Reply & read 2 replies 14 years ago

getting around Krakow posted by anitaj

Is there a Sightseeing bus you can buy a ticket for with jump on/off stops that you can use for a couple of days/day. I will be in Krakow 4 days. Would this be… [Read more]

Reply & read 2 replies 14 years ago

i will visit krakow posted by the one

can any one help me im speaking russin language did the pepol there will understand me ?? [Read more]

Reply & read 3 replies 14 years ago

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