Krakow Bars and Pubs

Famous for their vodkas and superb beers, Poles are not shy when it comes to the odd tot or three. As a visitor to the city, the choice is mind-boggling. Just bear in mind that for every drinking hole you find at street level, there is probably another in the basement, and a club upstairs. Even the local franchise of a famous coffee shop chain offers spirit chasers! Once you're here, just remember that the Old Town district has more bars per square metre than anywhere else in the world, so don't expect to get very far on a pub crawl. For a fuller flavour of what to expect on a night out in Krakow, check out our nightlife section with updated info on weekly parties. On this page you'll find links to detailed and comprehensive information on over 200 places to drink in Krakow, but in addition we've included a short and cheeky list of the top 5 places to drink that we actually go to, so simply clink the link right here to read more.

1) Eszeweria


No self-respecting pub crawl in Krakow would fail to take in the city's Kazimierz district. A ten minute walk south of the Market Square, Kazimierz is the former Jewish quarter, and now the gritty and hip centre point for many of Krakow's best bars. The most famous are Singer and Alchemia, but you'll do hard to find better that Eszeweria, a perennial favourite with locals and less inundated with tourists than the former two. If this pub was in Budapest, it would doubtless be called a 'ruin bar- - the vibe is chairs and tables from the local flea market, scruffy recycled cupboards and plenty of old candle wax, amongst which you will find a lively and regular crowd and drinks that don't cost the earth. In the summer a small courtyard at the back opens out with additional tables, and provide another excellent hideaway to enjoy a cold beer away from the prying eyes of paparazzi who are doubtless looking for you.

2) Rio


Drinking in Krakow doesn't just mean alcohol. Drink means cafes and cafes mean coffee. And while we can't all make it over to Brazil to enjoy the best, Krakow at least has its doppelgänger in the small, modest but cult Rio on Utica Jana. At first glance, Rio doesn't seem to have much to recommend it - uncomfortable-looking stools, a dearth of young people, and a constantly changing but reliably mediocre exhibition of art on the wall - but that's to miss the point. Rio is a Krakow landmark, a meeting place over the decades for distinguished artists and writers and nowadays a dying glimpse into how it was like to live in the city before the hordes of tourists descended. Oh, and they make probably the best coffee you'll find in Krakow.

3) Piękny Pies


Hands-down Krakow's best know bar, Piękny Pies ('Beautiful Dog') has moved location several times in the last twenty years, but always managed to drag its hip, artsy clientele along with it, wherever fate has led it. Currently to be found on Plac Wolnica in the funky Kazimierz district, the club showcases live music, DJs, with a weekend tendency to offering its club-goers solid portions of electro, techno and acid. You may not get too many smiles from the bartenders, but you’re in the right place.

4) Betel


So good, we named our dog after it. Or rather, our daughter’s dog. Which we take care of. Often. Betel is one of those pubs / bars / clubs which defies classification. During the day, a rather scruffy, small, but perfectly-located-for-students cafe, which transforms as the day wears on into an exhibition space / concert hall / riotous party venue. So you'll never be quite sure what version of Betel you'll get, which is the essence of its appeal. Just walk smugly past the lines of tourists queueing outside the neighbouring Charlotte for their overpriced oat-milk lattes and croissants, and slip into Betel for better coffee, better people, and better times. And if while there you bump into a friendly dog that looks like a small Alsatian, you finally get your once-in-a-lifetime chance to just say hello to Betel in Betel.

5) Zielono Mi


Will you accept this challenge? The challenge involves leaving the comfort of the Old Town, taking a tram (normally number 1 or 2) all the way to Salwator, and then one further stop after that, where the tramway does a tight circle and stops before heading back. At this point, jump out of said tram, amble over the zebra crossing to the small house covered in ivy, and you have arrived at Zielono Mi. You have now officially left the tourist centre of Krakow behind, and entered the local's pub. Congratulations. Now, depending on your mood, order a glass of wine, a craft beer, or a round of vodka shots. And repeat. Various people will enter and depart your field of vision, and before long you'll have made friends with the locals and feel like moving to Krakow permanently. At this point, all you require is the approval of the bar owner. If she appears with her (thankfully decommissioned) AK-47 and threatens you, asking you to leave because of your rowdy behaviour, it's official. You have passed the test and been approved. You may now leave your current home country and apply for residency in Krakow.

A final few words

Our top 5 will obviously not be to everyone's liking. If you're a beer afficionado, You might find this list of top ten craft beer places in Krakow to be more useful.

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ul. św. Wawrzyńca 3

177. Urban Coffee

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Tomasza 31, Poulao Bar

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179. Punkt Docelowy

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180. Night Club VIP

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ul. Bracka 3-5

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Reviews about Krakow Bars and Pubs

Achtung Abzocke!

Gold Club

Bitte meiden Sie diesen Club, falsche Rechnungsbeträge wurden mir Silvester abgebucht, glücklicherweise habe ich sofort regiert als ich in Deutschland zurück war und die Buchungen stornieren lassen. Absolute Touristenfalle!

Gold Club

Bitte meiden Sie diesen Club, falsche Rechnungsbeträge wurden mir Silvester abgebucht, glücklicherweise habe ich sofort regiert als ich in Deutschland zurück war und die Buchungen stornieren lassen. Absolute Touristenfalle!

Gold Club

Bitte meiden Sie diesen Club, falsche Rechnungsbeträge wurden mir Silvester abgebucht, glücklicherweise habe ich sofort regiert als ich in Deutschland zurück war und die Buchungen stornieren lassen. Absolute Touristenfalle!

Gold Club

Bitte meiden Sie diesen Club, falsche Rechnungsbeträge wurden mir Silvester abgebucht, glücklicherweise habe ich sofort regiert als ich in Deutschland zurück war und die Buchungen stornieren lassen. Absolute Touristenfalle!

Gold Club

Bitte meiden Sie diesen Club, falsche Rechnungsbeträge wurden mir Silvester abgebucht, glücklicherweise habe ich sofort regiert als ich in Deutschland zurück war und die Buchungen stornieren lassen. Absolute Touristenfalle!

Gold Club

Bitte meiden Sie diesen Club, falsche Rechnungsbeträge wurden mir Silvester abgebucht, glücklicherweise habe ich sofort regiert als ich in Deutschland zurück war und die Buchungen stornieren lassen. Absolute Touristenfalle!

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