
hi all, any ideas for this upcoming weekend? i live in krakow now but will be coming up to visit my girl and would like to know what's happening. thanks xSammy.

- Posted by Sammy. from Poland on Aug 5th, 2009

if the events here on warsaw life are not fitting the bill, you can have a look on such sites as aktivist.pl, though it is mostly in polish...

- Posted by Fruity from Poland on Aug 5th, 2009

uf are youkidding aktivist has almost too much information it makes my head hurt to look at their site.

- Posted by 00citizen00 from Poland on Aug 5th, 2009

i'm going tonite at 9pm to the 'swiatloslowa' (trnsl -> 'lightword') thing on the bank of the wisla. its on the warsaw events page, 4 or 5 listing down from top http://www.warsaw-life.com/events/info.php?month=8&year=2009

- Posted by KasiaBasia from Poland on Aug 7th, 2009

Thanks for all the ideas! I think we'll be stopping by a new place called 'hustawka'? anyone heard of it?

- Posted by Sammy. from Poland on Aug 7th, 2009

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