Help! Help! Help!

Hello! I have spent twelve years trying to contact Theo Mensink and his wife Bena Blaze Mensink. Your privacy laws leave me gasping. They have an adopted daughter and a natural born son ( Blond ) Both must be grown up with their own families by now. They had many friends - two I think are - Karel van Heufelen and Gerard van der Sterra (possibly Sterrer) They were all an inspiration to me and opened a window on intergration.One man rode his bike down to the local supermarket (Bletchley) with his girlfriend on the cross_bar and was stopped by the local bobby. He asked for his name and then walked away when it was spelled in Dutch. (Great) Anyway- to have met so many wonderful people from Holland and then be confronted by this wall of secrecy was mind bending. If I were wealthy I would have put Pinkertons onto it years ago. Best Wishes Anthony

- Posted by rimeraldo from Netherlands on Dec 30th, 2010

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