election coverage - tuesday the 4th
Does anyone know of any bars around town that will be showing coverage of the American elections on Tuesday the 4th? Or any other place that has CNN or something like that where one can watch the election coverage?
- Posted by djsilence from Poland on Nov 3rd, 2008
Well, things wouldn't really get underway until polls started closing on the east coast, which would be around 11pm here I believe - most of the action will take place after midnight, maybe even after 2 am depending on how quick places are in counting votes.
- Posted by djsilence from Poland on Nov 3rd, 2008
I'd be interested in watching this too - anyone have any idea exactly how long after voting closes that the results start coming in? And at what time in Poland that would be? ie when will it get interesting to watch????
- Posted by Jabber from Poland on Nov 3rd, 2008
Youre best bet would be someplace else bar in the sheraton, with it being american owned and used by a lot of american ex pats i dont think you could go wrong.
- Posted by bazzag from Poland on Nov 3rd, 2008