
does anyone know of somewhere i can go in krakow to get my ipod fixed?

- Posted by mwilso15 from Poland on Oct 6th, 2005

Bought yourself a NANO that now has a cracked screen? Join the crowd! There's a ton of stuff about this at www.flawedmusicplayer.com ! No, seriously, try contacting RCS computers http://www.cracow-life.com/krakow/where_to_shop/shops_details/324-RCS_Computers or you could try the crazy Mac guy who runs Grelcom Studio - he fixes my Mac every time it goes belly up (which is not very often it has to be said) and does a sterling job - GRELCOM STUDIO Al. Beliny-Prazmonskiego 66 Krakow 411 86 85 Poland Tel: +48 12 411 86 85 Fax: +48 12 413 83 66 www.grelcom.pl · studio@grelcom.pl Good luck!

- Posted by emperor from Poland on Oct 6th, 2005

My iPod broke on my birthday and nearly ruined the big occasion for me! Lots of sympathy from me! Anyway I asked my Polish teacher and her boyfriend where I could get it fixed and they had a couple of half suggestions - however since by then it had started miraculously working again i didn't listen very carefully. In short, if Emperor's suggestions don't work contact me at duncan@wroclaw-life.com and I will re-investigate!

- Posted by slinkster from Poland on Oct 7th, 2005

There is an Apple store in Warsaw, the only one in Poland as far as I know. It's in the center, but I don't remember the street name. I do know that it's a block or 2 away from Plac Konstitucji off of Marszalkowska. I would imagine they could fix it there or send it off to be repaired elsewhere. Good luck!!

- Posted by Belluomo from Poland on Feb 8th, 2006

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