A whole world of dance

Krakow will welcome dance troupes from around the world as the Małopolska region celebrates the folklore and culture of Poland and Slovakia this month. The centerpiece will be the XV Światowy Festiwal Polonijnych Zespołw Folklorystycznych (15th World Polish Folk Dance Festival), just up the road in Rzeszw, from July 21-28. However, Krakow can get a taste of what is to come from July 19-21, when young people from the Lajkonik group in Tuscon, Arizona, are in town. The group will be in Krakow as part of a wider tour in Poland, which will also take in the Świat pod Kyczerą festival, beginning with performances at Myszkw on July 7. Arriving in Krakow from Krynica Zdroj on July 19, they will perform the next day at Nowohuckie Centrum Kultury, before heading to the festival in Rzeszw on July 21. The NCK performance will be at 5pm full details of the Rzeszw event are at the festival website.


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