
Hi! My name is Kamila. I'm living in Wrocław and currently looking for native English speaking person and share the appartment (2 rooms, full equiped) for several months. The flat is sunny and placed near rynek ( 3 stations). Rent is approimately 450-500 zl per month. I'm easygoing and open-minded and I hope to know someone new who will add sometihing positive to the flatshare and help me to improve languague skills :) Kamila

- Posted by Kamila from Poland on Jun 26th, 2013

Hi Kamila! I'm not english native, I'm Italian, but I'm searching for a room in Wroclaw from october 2013 until february 2014; if you don't find an english native flatmate, I'm interested in the room. Thank you very much! Gabriele (please, can you reply to me by email? My adress is gabrieletorr@gmail.com)

- Posted by Gabriele from Italy on Jul 22nd, 2013

Hi, I am an Indian, I am looking for a room, Please message me on ravkumarc@gmail.com with more details... I am available from 16th Aug...

- Posted by Ravi from India on Aug 3rd, 2013

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