Raul Castro Visiting Moscow

According to Reuter's Press Agency, Cuban President Raul Castro will be visiting Moscow, in token of warming the relationship between the two countries. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev visited Cuba, which was one of Russia's main cold war allies, in November 2008.

"I hope that the coming visit to Russia of the head of the State Council and Council of Ministers of Cuba, Raul Castro, will give a serious impulse to our bilateral relations" Medvedev said.

It wasn't clearly stated forwhen was the visit planned, but as Russia is considering loaning $20 million to Cuba - the visit will certainly take place quite soon. According to Vladimir Putin, Russia's Prime Minister, the money will be spent on Russian goods. "In the current, non-simple economic situation, I think this will be for the good of Russia's real economy sector."he added.


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