Tęgie Chłopy

Sat 15th
Tęgie Chłopy

Tęgie Chłopy play dance so that the "ceiling rises" - as it was said to happen at games played by the famous Witkowski brothers' band. The presence of a strong wind section - the trumpet, the clarinet and the tube - helps in raising the ceiling. The band's name is a musical declaration: Tęgie Chłopy play primarily Kielce "chops" - three-dimensional, singing melodies typical of the eastern Kielce region, also called "worlds" or "sleeping bags".

The band continues the traditions of dance music of the Kielce region in its authentic and non-stylized form. The repertoire and instrumentation refer to the best patterns - traditional bands formerly used for weddings and country parties in the vicinity of Łagów and Opatów. bands of Witkowski brothers from Orłowin, Krakowiaks from Zbelutki, Antoni Witkowski from Cisów and many others.


"Globalization. Korpokracja. Capital concentration. Gibberish pharmacists and economists. Uniformization of culture. What to do? Play yours! Not always even, but always together. Not always perfectly, but always truly. Through spicy, traditional, organic music, sanctify ordinary human everyday affairs and turn them into love rituals. Tie Chłopy does a great job. You can see here the intellectual work put into recognizing the rules governing the folk phrase, you can hear the care towards the traditional form, which requires you to carry it carefully and carefully, so as not to damage its edges. Feel the sanctity and dignity of the people of the Earth coming out of their work. Because it is the language of the Earth. Our language. We are reborn thanks to such records. "

Leszek Możdżer

"Music, let's call it conventionally" source ", that is, urban and rural folklore has done everything for years to move away from its roots. Sugar-coated, ideologised - she lost all her temper and became a monidium to encourage hearts, most often abroad from abroad. All you have to do is restore her wisdom and energy, add skills and the unforgettable joy of playing, and let her come back to us again and become a pearl of our culture. On her next album, Tęgie Chłopy prove that it must succeed and ... that it works. "

Wojciech Waglewski

Tickets: PLN 35 presale / PLN 45 on the day of the concert

fot. Fekko Roupert

This event happens in Alchemia

ul. Estery 5