XVII Podgórze Sunrise on the Krakus Mound

Fri 21st
04:00 - 05:00
XVII Podgórze Sunrise on the Krakus Mound

The PODGORZE.PL Association invites you for the seventeenth time to the annual sunrise viewing atop the ancient astronomical Krakus Mound in Podgorze. People from Podgorze and all around the world will gather on top of the mysterious 'Kopiec Krakusa' which overlooks the whole city of Krakow, to watch the sunrise and align with the other ancient pagan mounds, as they were designed to do further back than recorded history. Connect with the ancestors who built these mounds so long ago.

This beautiful, community event takes place on Friday, 21/06/2019, 4:10 in the morning, Krak mound

If you want to Cooperate / help with the organization, please contact: Klaudia Słupek klaudia@podgorze.pl

kopiec krakusa