Copernicus Festival 2017

Mon 22nd
Copernicus Festival 2017

"The latest Copernicus Festival, an interdisciplinary event intertwining themes from science and the arts, is dedicated to emotions.

Meetings, discussions, lectures and concerts held between 23 and 28 May reveal a range of relationships between emotions and culture shaped by humankind. We will consider whether there is reason behind the antagonism between the mind and emotions, whether it is possible to have communities of beings devoid of emotion, how emotions affect the way in which we perceive the world, and whether animals experience emotions in the same way as people.

The festival provides an arena for presentations and discussions between acclaimed scientists, philosophers and artists, including the celebrated neurobiologist Antonio Damasio, the developmental psychologist Karen Wynn, the psychologist and populariser of science Paul Bloom, the materials scientist and author of bestselling popular science books Mark Miodownik, and one of Poland’s most important cosmologists Krzysztof Meissner. During the festival we will also find out how technologies affect our emotions, learn about the mechanisms triggering fear responses during the Night of Horror and face up to our own emotions during theatre workshops."

[source: Igor Kuranda, Karnet magazine]
