International Women's Strike

Wed 8th
8:00 - 16:00
International Women's Strike

International Women’s Strike

We, the women of the world, are fed up with violence addressed at us ¬ physical, economic, verbal or moral. We will no longer tolerate it passively. We demand that our governments stop using misogynic insults and start taking real measures to solve numerous problems related to our safety, free access to medical care including abortion, the establishment of severe legal penalties to be applied to our oppressors in cases of rape, domestic violence and every gender-based crimes we are experiencing increasingly, and enforce effective secularization. Before our biological conditions, we are first of all human beings ¬ and what’s more it’s 2016.

As aware citizens, we, the women, know the world is going through a crisis phase, but we don’t accept being victims of it. Take care, governing powers in our countries: be mature and address the problems of the world in direct, peaceful ways, with no harm to us.

We, the women of the world, announce that if you don’t urgently and immediately apply the effective measures to halt violence against us, we strike, in solidarity and united across the planet. We constitute more than half the world’s population and we know that the lasting power is with us. Don’t forget that on our decision depends if the life on Earth will continue.

The worldwide event:

The nationwide event: 

Want to help?: 

Official Website:

#SolidarnośćNasząBronią #SolidarityIsOurWeapon#LaSolidaridadEsNuestraArma
