Lviv Map

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Show map of Lviv

Here's a basic map of Lviv to get you started. We're working on a dynamic, zoomable map, which we will have up and running shortly. Don't forget to check back soon for it!


not shown
david penn
United Kingdom

Very useful. It would help me if the location of churches, synagogues, mosques were shown.

Feb 9th, 2012
United States

Super map of the city. Looks like Google added a few more streets recently, so it is much better than a couple of years ago. You just need to add some more markers!

Feb 15th, 2011

You have not corrected the G/H issue -- BoGdana, Khvyl'ovoGo, Getmana Mazepy?!?! Please correct. Also, there is a new street name - Kvitky Cisyk, betw. Khvyl'ovoho and Linkol`na -- where exactly. Diakuyu

Nov 7th, 2010

great page. But -- on the map, the transliteration should be from Ukrainian, not Russian. e.g., Horodots'ka, Hnatiuka, etc. Ukrainian has both the letters "h" and "g" -- and these should be used correctly!

Feb 17th, 2010
Tim Albert
United Kingdom


Aug 4th, 2009