Woman puts up dogged defence of flat

A woman who had kicked her parents out of their shared flat defended the property until the bitter end when bailiffs sought to remove her from the building.

St Petersburg police had been trying to resolve the dispute for an entire year.

The Russian woman had apparently booted her parents out of the apartment so as to create more space for her eleven pet dogs.

The dogs joined in the defence of the property, biting one bailiff as he attempted to detain the woman.

The bailiffs acknowledged that it took them three hours to get into the property. They had tipped her offer about the date, and a result, the lady prepared what she called a surprise.

Glasses and crockery were thrown at the men from the window, and the woman proceeded to spray tear gas through a crack in the door itself barricaded with a wardrobe.

Eventually, the bailiffs detained the woman. The dogs were given sleeping pills, and taken to an animal shelter.

Meanwhile, the woman was whisked to court.


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