Tips and Advice for Tourists

Health resort fee

All towns and villages with a status of a tourist or a health resort in Poland are entitled to charge incoming guests with a special fee, called the health resort fee. And since Kolobrzeg is the biggest sea resort in Poland, it is no different here. The amount is established by a city council decree, and amounts to 3 PLN per day per adult, and 1.5 PLN per child. This amount will usually be included in the price of your room, but if not, you will be handed an extra slip with your final bill (make sure you get one!). All pension and hotel owners are obliged to collect the fee under penalty. Excluded from paying are: hospitalized persons, the visually impaired and their assistents, local real estate tax payers, and the organized groups of school children and youth. The money is spent to maintain and improve the city's infrastructure, especially in the health resort and seaside area. 


Kolobrzeg is a rather peaceful and tourist-welcoming town, though caution and some common sense are always advisable. Obviously, when on the beach, beware of pickpockets and never leave valuable posessions when you're going for a swim. Boarding scams are quite rare; nevertheless, if you decide to board at a top-class looking pension that charges a price of a youth hostel, make sure they have a land line telephone connection starting with 094, as a cell phone no only might mean your dream lodging simply doesn't exist. Also, all officially registered taxis should have a licence no. on their side door. All in all, the best option is to make good use of the variety of Local Life Kolobrzeg website offers of accommodation and services.


Kolobrzeg operates a full scope of public service, such as police, fire dept., and ambulance. The all-purpose EU emergency no. 112 is sometimes not as efficient as hoped, and the best way to get help is to remeber all-national Polish emergency numbers:

997 - police; the police station is located at J. Kilińskiego 20 

998 - fire dept. - also takes care of all emergencies reqiuring use of heavy duty equipment and life-saving skills, such as climbing or operating on water

999 - ambulance; ER can be found at E. Łopuskiego 8; the hospital is not far away, at Łopuskiego 3, general telephone no. is 35-282-61

In case of minor offence please call the civil guard at 986 or visit the station at Plac Ratuszowy 2/1

The Search and Rescue Dept. is located at Warzelnicza 7, tel. 35-220-20, 35-233-14

The Harbour Master's Office is located at Morska 2, tel. 35-227-99

Post Offices

Armii Krajowej 1, Tarnopolska 1, Arciszewskiego 4, Urocza 3, Ściegiennego 4, Cicha 6 B, Bema 5 /3

The postal code for Kolobrzeg is 78-100


Skwer Miast Partnerskich [Partner Cities' Square] at Katedralna St.


Wschodnia 4, Mariacka 14, Młyńska 12, Zwycięzców 1, Korzeniowskiego 2, Koszalińska 31, Waryńskiego 5, Kamienna 4, Wylotowa 12A, Łopuskiego 8, Słowinców 8

Gas Stations

Trzebiatowska 31 (7:00-19:00, during season 7:00-22:00)

Koszalińska (24/7)

Bogusława X 2 (24/7)

VI Dywizji Piechoty 2 (24/7)

LPG stations

Sienkiewicza 12, VI Dywizji Piechoty 60, Wolności 8


not shown