Cracow or Krakow?

Well, it seems the powes that be (or would like to pretend to be!) have decided that the city is now to be called "Krakow" and not "Cracow" or "Krakau" or whatever else other nations take it upon themselves to call it. Strikes me a bit of fascism, but there you go. Naturally, this website will still call itself "Cracow Life" and not be humbled by the mayor. In fact, we shall take it as a compliment that the popularity of this website has probably prompted the outburst. We also here they're gunning for "Cracovia" too... any thoughts about where this is all heading?

- Posted by Jabber from Poland on Aug 17th, 2006

I'm going to keep calling it "Kracow" or "Crakow" just to keep pissing off all my intellectual friends!

- Posted by emperor from Poland on Aug 17th, 2006

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